Many Big Island locals have their own opinions on where the best Malasadas can be found. Malasadas Portuguese donuts made popular by immigrants working in the sugar cane fields. Today you can travel to any major Hawaiian town (and quite a few of the smaller ones) and find yourself a place to buy this sugary fried confection. In Honoka’a, on Big Island’s Hamakua coast, Tex Drive In is one of those places that many people attest has the best on the island.

Famous for its malasadas, Tex’s serves them up in a variety of flavors like chocolate, lillikoi, and haupia. It’s not offered on their menu, but if you ask they’ll gladly make any of the sandwiches they offer with an unsugared (or sugared if you wish) malasada cut in half in place of the bread. Aside from the malasadas Tex’s is an old fashioned Hawaiian food spot. You can get most of the Hawaiian Staples like a loco moco, chicken katsu plate, or pork laulau. The mac salad is pretty decent as well.
Tex’s is a good spot to stop for lunch or a snack if you’re driving the Hamakua coast between Hilo and Kona.
It’s located right off the highway in Honoka’a town.